August 15, 2015


I'm going to keep this and the original video description updated so either bookmark it or check back every so often.

 | NOVEMBER 09, 2017 |
It's been a long time since I've given any sort of an update. Mostly because a lot of that time was spent going around in circles with trying new meds that didn't do anything & waiting for more important changes that would open up more options.Firstly let's talk SSI. I have gone through a few months of waiting, being denied like everyone else, & appealing that denial. After another few months, I went to a hearing & told them everything I deal with everyday & how much I can't live a life, so working any sort of job is out of the question. I had a good attorney, she does a lot of SSI cases & she was confident I'd win. I did. I'm not officially disabled & on SSI. I got Medicaid insurance & I get a small check to help with things every month. So with the change, I had to switch everything from Charity Care to Medicaid.I got a new primary doctor, a new rheumatologist, & am now going to a pain clinic. So we're still mainly trying new meds & seeing what helps, dropping what doesn't or what I can't get, like one medicine I got from a mental health center. I have some limits so for now I can't have too many doctors or appointments.But next week I'll be trying an infusion medicine, giving directly into my blood by an IV. I tried other injection meds but they either didn't help maybe because maybe I didn't absorb them entirely, or one kind even made me worse. The infusion will take 3-4 hours so that'll be real "fun". I have a hard time going to appointments in general, sitting on a hospital bed that long is probably going to be one of the hardest things I do. I'm already screwed up after weeks of having an appointment every week, my hip feeling terrible. I'm dreading it really. Then I have another appointment the next week again, & then I have to do a second dose of the infusion! I might die, just saying.But besides that, I've been doing pretty much the same thing everyday. Watching YouTube, or tv shows, or anime, or movies, etc. Trying to be as comfortable on my couch as I can. Maybe a little gaming on my PS4 here & there. My Ankylosing Spondylitis has been progressing still. It's a struggle to move around the house most days.I've been single for a few months now. Things just didn't work out from both sides. I'm learning pretty well to be alone & things are better that way. I've got my mom & she's always there for me. That's all I need.I don't talk to friends much. I'm often too tired, too uncomfortable, too pained, etc to even do that. It seems simple but it's not. I miss the days when I talked to , skype called, & gamed with my friends nearly everyday. I don't know if I'll ever get back to that. I hope so but I'm not going to get my hopes up too far. M rheumatologist said that damage may have already been done & the best I can get is maybe a little better & stopping the progression. So "normal" seems a tad out of reach now. My normal now is stuck on my couch doing the same thing everyday, some days interrupted by an appointment that ruins me for the next week. My life sucks. Lol.So that's been my life the last 2 years & most recently. I don't know how often I'll update this again. It seems weird to report the same results again & again. I might wait until there's some real change.If you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. If you want to reach me you can on Twitter or Steam or Skype, or pretty much anywhere you can find me. I try to check things often so you can find me somewhere or comment below.Thanks for reading. See you next time.

 | DECEMBER 10, 2015 |
Ok it's been a while. I haven't really been feeling up to updating this but I will.
SSI: I got denied. So I've already started the appeal process. Sooner or later I'll be going to a court ruling over it.
AS: Pretty much been on the same stuff for few months now. They just took my blood to make sure my liver is doing ok, and might up the doses of things or switch.
Depression: Yup. I guess I have that some. So I'm seeing a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, and Therapist. Already tried one anti-depressant med and didn't work so am now on a second one.
Nothing feels any different yet, and currently I have a cold so yay. Well report any changes in the future.
Oh yeah, my birthday was December 7th but I felt like doing absolutely nothing. Birthday wishes were nice to get though.

| AUGUST 15, 2015 |
SSI; Got a bunch of papers filled out and mailed in. I think the next step is either a set up doctor visit from one of their doctors, then an approval or denial.
AS; Got approved for coverage and started on my Methotrexate and Folic Acid on Friday. Kind of scary drug still but I'm hoping it works. I have an MRI in 5ish days and that will suck, trust me. My back hates laying flat on a hard surface and not allowed to move or cry or anything. And I will be in bad crippling pain that will bring me to tears and make it difficult to walk after, and no amount of my pain pills will help. So joy.
Not much going on besides that. I play Witcher 3 and Destiny every so often. Randomly other games sometimes too. Mainly just watching shows and Youtube and movies. Rewatching True Blood with Ken, and a little Game of Thrones with Rowdy sometimes. Sometimes Supernatural with James. Still have a lot of other shows to catch up on. Teen Wolf is up to date but that's about it because it's the only one airing now. Watch it with Ken. Also Vampire Diaries and The Originals, but those aren't bad yet. Had a lot of social interactions so I've become a little drained, plus new meds always has a bit of a reaction at first before body gets used to it.
Not really in the best moods but I'm pushing through the best I can. Hope this treatment plan works out when I've got it all settled.
Thanks for your continued support. <3

| JULY 04, 2015 |
I had a phone interview a week ago with the SSI/disability people. All that happened was I gave them the names, numbers, and address of doctors I've been to in the past 2 years. I may not hear anything else from them for the next few months so there's not much going on with that.
I went to a Rheumatologistt on June 30th. After he looked me over and asked me some questions he is really sure I've got AS, Ankylosing Spondilitus.
Here's a few links so you can read up if you're curious.
AS is a life long disease. I'll have to have it treated my entire life with medication, good posture, a healthy diet, exercise, and in worst cases surgery. I might already have fusion in my rib cage, limiting my breathing and limiting me from taking big breathes, as well as my lower spine, making me hunched forward as well as unable to comfortably lay on my back with and without legs stretched out or as my stomach at all. The Doctor gave me a corticosteroids shot in my hip which will last 3 months and should help with pain and stiffness while I work on getting the rest of my treatment plan set up. I'm going to be put on a low dose cancer medicine called Methotrexate, and then shortly after Humira or Enbrel. Sadly since its like $3000 a month for either Humira or Enbrel, I have to go apply at a medical outreach program which will help pay for these medicines if I am approved. Getting approved is a bit of a pain because they have a screening process but they do screenings for only 12 people every Monday and Wednesday, which means going at about 5am and maybe getting in. Plus I will need a lot of proofs of identity and income, etc. I'm trying to go on the 6th so wish me luck.
Besides all that I've been trying to keep together despite depressing moods and moments of intense stress. I'm trying to keep in contact with friends a fair bit. I've been able to play games a bit more than used to so that's been a nice distraction and fun. Bloodborne, Destiny, Terraria, Starbound, occasionally 100% Orange Juice or Talisman, and will start up Witcher 3 soon. Also spend a lot of time watching YouTube, movies, TV shows, and listening to music.
This entire thing has been really hard though. I hope I can keep going.
That's all for now.
Thanks for reading, commenting, and wishing me luck.
Until next time, bye.

| MAY 04, 2015 |
The past many months I haven't been in a good way to take care of my channel. I tried to keep uploading at east one video of backlog a week but it's becoming difficult to do even that.
Some of you know I have had an ongoing problem with my back for years. Recently I have finally been diagnosed. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, an inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints. You can google it if you want to know more. It's not 100% because it's hard to pinpoint this disease to one specific test, but I have a gene found involved with it and I've had other symptoms in the past. It's 89+%. This disease is currently without a cure and has a long line of treatment I'll have to start soon. It could be a long time. Who knows. I'm stuck with this thing for life so my mood hasn't been the greatest. My next step is waiting for an appointment to be made with a Rheumatologist.
I'm also restarting SSI/disability, which is also a long process. Last time we tried, it took a year and it was a denial.
One thing you can't do is try and have fun with games when you're in bad moods, stressed, depressed, constantly uncomfortable and constantly in pain and stiff, always tired. To be too tired to even play a game casually on my own time is beyond frustrating.
So. Until I'm back to my old self I'm going on a hiatus. When I come back, I want to come back with new content and not just a long line of old stuff.
I will still be around to read comments, check facebook, etc. so feel free to say hi whenever.
I hope I'm back to feeling like myself soon. Wish me luck.